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Get involved

We want to find out about the experiences
of Calderdale people during this pandemic.
What are your hopes and fears?
We are
keen to include people whose voices are
often unheard and who may be hard hit by
COVID. We hope our findings will prompt
local government, voluntary organisations
and local people to work together to
improve the resilience of our community in
these hard times.

This project is being coordinated by Parasol,
which works in the community to support
local people facing injustice. Parasol works
in partnership with Disability Support
Calderdale and Calderdale Community Care.

What we hope to do.
Between now and next April we will send
out 2 surveys. Interviews will be carried out
by local people trained as community
researchers. We want to make it an exciting,
creative and engaging process. We will
encourage people to put together artwork,
film and photo displays to add to the surveys
and interviews. A report and exhibition will
tell our local story. We want to actively
encourage children and young people to
take part in the project.

How you can help.
We are looking for volunteers to join our
team. We need a broad range of people of
all ages, of diverse ethnic origin, from all
areas of Calderdale.

The Research project will have 3 groups:

​• The Research Advisory Group. This group will steer the research, ensure the project delivers on its goals, manage resources and apply for funding.

• The Research Operations Group. This group will organize the research and manage the overall project.

• The Community Researchers. This group will carry out in-depth interviews with local people in Calderdale – from Todmorden to Halifax across the Calder Valley.

If you would like to be an interviewer you will get training and support. Your costs and expenses, when interviewing, will be paid for by the project.

How to respond.

​We are going to need people with specific skills and experience:

​• Language skills including sign language.

• Lived experience of mental health or disability issues, or experience in engaging with people with limited mental capacity.

• Arts, crafts, drama, photography, social media and film.

Most of all, we need people who are kind and naturally interested in others. We hope young people will want to join this innovative project. You will be able to increase your own skills and potential as you help others to develop theirs.

Most of all, we need people who are kind
and naturally interested in others.
We hope
young people will want to join this
innovative project. You will be able to
increase your own skills and potential as you
help others to develop theirs.

Right now we need to keep to local and national COVID restrictions and work through the internet but
hopefully, in 2021 we may be able to have meetings, events and exhibitions that are not virtual.
We hope you will want to get involved and will tell your friends and contacts about this lively project.
Anyone interested should contact Tom Griffiths.
Contact Us

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